Miss USS Class Beauty Competition
Represent your Region, County, or City!
Get stage time for a LOW entry fee!
No interview! No side competitions!
100% scored on evening wear or dress!
Title Guidelines: When representing the USS brand through our sashes, it is important to avoid titles that closely resemble those of Regions, Counties, or Cities associated with other prominent, large pageant systems. Our goal is to ensure clear distinction and unique representation of our titles during local events and appearances. It is important to carefully consider the distinctiveness of your area when choosing a title. "If you are aware of another prominent pageant in your area that features many other queens making appearances, it may be advisable to avoid using the same title. For instance, having two Miss Bluegrass Mountains in the same parade would diminish the presence and impact of both queens.
It is worth noting that there are numerous pageant systems, and some duplication is inevitable. We only aim to steer clear of larger pageants that are local to your area. An example would be Miss Magnolia State pageant in Mississippi, which typically attracts over 200 contestants each year. When selecting a title, we will consider that you have researched, as we will not be familiar with pageants in our region.
Have a title now that you would like to use? Local directors have the opportunity to be sponsored by our system without taking on a directorial role. If you currently hold a title that you wish to use, please have your director contacts us!
Titles NOT to select that may be considered trademarked:
Sample Titles:
Miss Southwest Virginia
Miss East Tennessee
Miss South Alabama
Miss Blue Ridge Mountains
Miss Cumberland Plateau
Miss Tri-Cities
Miss Raleigh
Miss Miami Dade County
Miss San Antonio
Miss Crimson Tide
Miss KY Wildcat State
Miss Peanut Festival
State titles and secondary state titles are reserved for our USS National contestants.
All contestants must demonstrate outstanding moral character and possess strong ethical values.
We seek queens who can serve as exemplary role models for younger contestants.
There are seven national titles up for grabs!
Judging Criteria:-
100% Formal Wear!
Contestants are encouraged to participate in the Pink Wear and Introduction segment, as an additional award will be presented to the contestant with the highest score in this competition.
Opening Number:
Do you love being in the spotlight? There is no additional cost to participate in the opening number. We kindly request that all contestants participating purchase the opening number dress so they will match the other contestants to be a part of it. Contestants that do not purchase the dress may participate in pink wear following the opening number.
Optional Competitions:
Contestants in the Class Beauty Competition are not required but have the opportunity to participate in additional optional competitions. An additional entry fee is required.
Your Entry Fee Includes:
Entry into the final show! Evening Gown or Formal Wear, Pink Wear, and the opening number (dress required). All contestants will receive a ribbon competition sash, a teddy bear, and recognition on stage! We will be awarding one queen and four alternates for each grade level, providing numerous chances to win.
No package fee is required for the Class Beauty Contestants!
Miss USS National Competition
Babies that are 0-3 years old.
Extraordinary Miss
Babies that are 0-3 years old.
For our Extraordinary contestants that are differently-abled.